Clinics We Offer

Diabetic Clinic
We invite all our diabetic patients to have an annual check with our Practice Nurse, this includes a diabetic foot check.

Asthma Clinic
Each patient with asthma is invited to have an annual review with our Practice Nurse. Please contact Reception regarding times for this clinic

Cervical Smear Tests
Smear tests for women involve examination of the cervix (neck of the womb) to check for changes which can occur. This test is usually done mid-cycle by the Practice Nurse. We recommend that all women aged between 25 and 64 years have a smear taken every three years.
The computer recall system should ensure that all eligible women receive a reminder when they are due for a smear. Please respond promptly to avoid unnecessary administration. You will be notified by the William Harvey Hospital Laboratory of your result directly to your home address.

Child Health / Immunisation Clinics
We currently hold a Baby Clinic on a Thursday morning with a GP and Practice Nurse. Appointments are generated and sent out to all babies and children.
Babies who are unwell should not come to the Clinic but should be seen by their own doctor in surgery.

Family Planning
All the doctors are qualified to provide a full range of contraceptive services which are available free of charge at an ordinary appointment. This includes emergency morning after pill. Please ask at reception for more details or to make an appointment.

Minor Surgery
Dr Karthik carries out joint injections and minor surgery. Please ask at reception for an appointment for these services.

Minor Illness Clinics
Our minor illness clinics are run by our Advanced Nurse Practitioners. They are able to treat and prescribe for certain illness.
Below is a list of conditions that our Clinicians can see:
- Head & Neck i.e. Headaches/Fainting & Dizziness/Sore or sticky eyes/sore throat, tonsillitis, laryngitis/sinusitis/swollen glands/colds and flu symptoms/Ear pain/Oral thrush/Cold sores/Hayfever
- Chest i.e. Coughs/Chest infections/asthma problems and reviews
- Abdomen i.e. Abdominal pain/Diarrhoea and Constipation/Threadworms/Vaginal Discharge or Thrush/Urine infections, cystitis or kidney infections
- Muscle/Joint i.e.. Injuries and Sprains/Back pain
- Skin i.e. Rashes/Shingles/Chicken Pox/Impetigo/Scabies/Eczema

NHS Health Check
We invite all our patients who are not on any disease register to come in and see our healthcare assistant for a free health check. This is offered to patients in certain age groups. Please check with reception before making an appointment.

Smoking Cessation
The surgery holds a stop smoking service one Thursday morninga month.
If you are interested please ask reception for a referral form

Other Services
We also provide the following services on a regular basis. Please ask at reception for further information:
- Home visits - Please see tab under appointments for further information
- COPD/Spirometry
- Blood Pressure
- ECGs
- Phlebotomy
- Dressing and wound management
- Removal of sutures and staples
- Dopplers
- Ear Syringing
- Dementia Screening and Reviews
- Learning Disabilities Reviews
- Medication Reviews
- In-House Physiotherapy
- In-House Ultrasound
- In-House Counselling
- Dermascopy